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Image by Ella Olsson

About us

Stop battling heart disease, diabetes & unwanted weight gain

Even if you have lost your confidence, you are not alone. We can show you how to get back in control of your life, stop worrying about whether or not you are doing the right thing and use your newly found vitality (energy) to focus on the things you enjoy in your life.


We are Carla & Liz

We are two highly skilled nurses with over 60 years experience specialising in helping people with heart disease and diabetes.


We have undertaken further academic training in Nutritional Therapy. This means that we can tailor individual support for you and get you the results that you are looking for.

Our clients often present with anxiety and confusion as they face a new future. Whether this is you now or whether you want to avoid this becoming you, we can give you the time and personal attention to tackle these health conditions, meaning that you can move forward with confidence and optimism.

Hi, I'm Carla

Carla qualified as a nurse, completing a BSc Hons, and started her career at Harefield Hospital. Moving to Leeds General Infirmary she worked on the Cardiothoracic Unit as a Clinical Nurse Specialtist . 

When her children were young, Carla moved to General Practice as a nurse prescriber advising patients about diabetes and heart disease. Health promotion is a big part of her role. 

Wanting to improve services to clients, Carla undertook the Integrative Graduate Diploma in Nutritional Therapy and is keen to expand her role in Public Health and prevent disease progression. She is a qualified Health Coach and Nutrigenomics Practitioner.

Qualifications & Affiliations

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Hi, I'm Liz

Liz graduated from University with a Biology Degree and a Nursing qualification (RGN). She completed a PhD in genetics and for a while pursued a career in scientific research.


Liz returned to nursing when her family were young. She has worked in the Cardiac sector for the NHS and in the private sector managing Nursing Homes.


Passionate about health promotion, Liz undertook a Graduate Diploma in Nutrition together with a Health Coaching qualification and is now keen to impart that knowledge to help others lead healthier, more fulfilling lives. 

Qualifications & Affiliations

Image by Gareth Hubbard

What is nutritional therapy all about?

Nutritional Therapy applies the science of nutrition to promote health and well-being. By looking at the root cause of a symptom, foods are promoted that provide the right ingredients to help your body heal or improve vitality.

This approach means that Nutritional Therapists can offer personalised nutrition and lifestyle recommendations. If you look around at all the differently shaped faces that genetics has given us, behind all those different faces is a different physiology.


This means that some of us are more predisposed to certain diseases whilst some of us are better equipped to stay healthy. Nutritional Therapists evaluate each individual and tailor their unique nutrition and lifestyle programmes accordingly. Nutritional Therapy is not a replacement for medical advice. More often we work alongside other healthcare professionals to ensure the best possible outcomes for our clients.

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